Introducing Hope...
The first time we saw her face our hearts leaped.
It seemed outrageous at the time.
We had not yet completed Joy's adoption.
But our God can be quite outrageous when he chooses to be.
Hope just celebrated her 4th birthday.
It will be the last birthday she will spend without her family.
She lives in an orphanage in Guizhou, China.
She also lives in our hearts.
Soon she will live in our home as our beloved daughter.
Hope has lived all her life in an orphanage in China's poorest province, Guizhou. Although she turned four this spring, she is the size of a two-year-old. We don't know if this is from malnourishment or just genetics. (People from that area do tend to have a smaller stature.) We do know that she will blossom in our home where healthy food and lotsa love is plentiful!
Our agency sent us three short (10-20 seconds) video clips of our precious girl. She is running, marching, jumping, and laughing. What a treasure to receive glimpses of our daughter's personality come through. If I can figure out how to post them here, I will.
Our agency just sent us a new picture (in May). Orphanages often keep the children's hair buzzed (yes, even the girls) to eliminate issues like lice. This big smile will eventually have gorgeous, long, shiny black hair to frame it.
With dark brown eyes
That disappear when she smiles."
Our agency just sent us another update (9/2011) with three new pictures. Here's that adorable smile again!
Hope has lived all her life in an orphanage in China's poorest province, Guizhou. Although she turned four this spring, she is the size of a two-year-old. We don't know if this is from malnourishment or just genetics. (People from that area do tend to have a smaller stature.) We do know that she will blossom in our home where healthy food and lotsa love is plentiful!
Our agency sent us three short (10-20 seconds) video clips of our precious girl. She is running, marching, jumping, and laughing. What a treasure to receive glimpses of our daughter's personality come through. If I can figure out how to post them here, I will.
Our agency just sent us a new picture (in May). Orphanages often keep the children's hair buzzed (yes, even the girls) to eliminate issues like lice. This big smile will eventually have gorgeous, long, shiny black hair to frame it.
I love the way her eyes disappear when she smiles. It reminds me of Steven Curtis Chapman's song about his sweet Maria:
"Heaven is the face of a little girl With dark brown eyes
That disappear when she smiles."
Our agency just sent us another update (9/2011) with three new pictures. Here's that adorable smile again!